Healing in Games

Ze healing is not as satisfying as ze hurting…

Healing as a mechanic in games is seen by many as a fixer of mistakes, you take damage, so you heal to fix the mistake of taking damage. In many ways then it can be seen as a negative thing, however I adore the gameplay style of healing, and I especially love it when it is baked into character mechanics.

As an example, playing characters that can naturally regenerate, or who have activated abilities that heal them combined with natural toughness allowing the healing to act as an extra layer of keeping you alive. I especially love it on tank characters who have the sole focus on keeping themselves alive and fighting while keeping enemies off a group, even sometimes dealing extreme amounts of damage in return. I love these playstyles, and I also love characters that focus purely on healing. Stuff like Medic from Team Fortress 2, or Mercy from Overwatch, characters who have a sole focus on repairing damage and keeping others alive.

My question to all of you then is what is your favourite form of healing in games? Do you enjoy limited time items, or maybe you enjoy dedicating yourselves to magically healing all around you. Whatever it is, let me know in the comments! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

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