So in my efforts to look for and play new games to expand my horizons I may have decided to try out Warframe and have started to get into the grind and become slightly addicted to it… whoops!
For those that don’t know Warframe is a free to play third person shooter/action sci-fi game that you can play on PC or any of the other consoles (Including a Switch version to be released later!) that is generally heralded as one of the best ways to do free-to-play correct. The developers constantly tweak the game while listening to play feedback, the grind in the game is kind of the point so using money to buy things is generally discouraged except for cosmetic items and the game itself is actually extremely fun. It mostly reminds me of a mix of Destiny and the third person shooter Platinum Games released, Vanquish.
I’m currently not even close to being an expert on the game, I don’t evem know what half the systems in the game are! However I have a feeling this will be a game that will keep me occupied for a good amount of time now so I look forward to losing my life in this new virtual world! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.