What are my thoughts on Starfield? You’ll just have to wait for the review to find out… But in the meantime I want to tell you a story I have rarely told people.
Back when I was a wee teen I frequented a car boot sale that had an indoor area that sold loads of games. On one of these ventures with my parents I found an interesting looking game called ‘Fallout 3’ and thought it looked cool. Despite the age rating my parents were kind enough to buy it for me and I tried it when I got home. However after doing the vault sequence, exiting the tutorial and making my way to the first town of Megaton I was… underwhelmed by the game.
Shockingly the game had failed to grab me. Looking back I’m not entirely sure why as when I play the into now I adore everything about it. Perhaps it was the janky combat and the, at the time to me, complex systems that turned me off. So I stopped playing it. However something compelled me to go back a few days later and from there I became absolutely hooked on the game, with it being one of my favourite Fallout games. First impressions are an important thing when it comes to games, and this situation definitely solidified to me the idea that things which may seem crude or not fun at first can really grow on you if you are willing to put some investment in. I feel that’s something other enjoyers of this medium should take to heart.
What are your opinions on a game’s first impressions? Can they ruin an entire experience, or are they just a blip in a journey with a game? Let us know in the comments! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.