The internet is once again awash with rumours of the beloved next entry in the Half-Life seies, some things never change eh?
This time it’s because of a Counter-Strike 2 update which brought along with it several code strings that are bringing some Half-Life fans hope. Specifically this is referring to “type = hlx_2d_basic” which is usually indicative of code for a Half-Life game, but the mysterious x at the end of the title section is what is throwing off a lot of people. Of course the hotly awaited third entry in the franchise is what most people speculate it is, but there is also a chance that this is related to Alyx, or even some other spin-off for the franchise. At the moment it is just pure speculation and copium, but hey, that doesn’t mean people can’t dream. Let’s wait and see just how this develops.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.