So did you know that a new Elder Scrolls game just released? Me neither, but as it turns out it’s 100% true as for some reason Bethesda decided to stealth-release a brand new mobile-only Elder Scrolls game known as ‘The Elder Scrolls: Castles’ only in American territories.
The game is essentially an Elder Scrolls version of their other incredibly popular mobile game ‘Fallout Shelter’ as you take control of a castle in the Elder Scrolls universe and must run it’s daily operations from politics to subject management and of course defending it from invaders. It’s all fairly similar stuff to Fallout Shelter and according to those that have played it seemingly it’s an alright game, which makes it more bizzare that it was released without anyone knowing. It may be telling that the page for the game’s download has been taken off the app store now, meaning that perhaps this was not meant to go out just yet. Still it’s a strange situation, but I guess if you’re looking for more Elder Scrolls then keep an eye out for this coming back.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.