I don’t usually get contacted by companies wanting me to personally check out their latest releases but when I do I always make sure to check out what they have to show me.
Pride Run is what I’ve been checking out lately and it certainly is an energetic and interesting game. You are in charge of several Pride Runs all throughout the world and it’s up to you to keep the parade going and at the end of each beating a boss in a dance off (who may or may not be a world leader..). While initially it may seem like a fairly simple rythm game it has a surprising amount of content behind it alongside another game mode which really seems to shake things up.
The other way to play this game (naturally called “Play Hard” of course) sees the game turn into a type of strategy game as you move different group types around the parade to pick up bystanders, defend against hate groups and use dance move with hero units to do special attacks. It was almost overwhelming and it certainly is a lot more deep than it initially seems to be. I loved the joyful and energetic aesthetic the designers went for in this game and it was certainly a fun time to play. It comes out today on Steam so be sure to check it out if you feel as though it sounds like your type of game, they are even donating 10% of the funds to an LGTBQ+ charity so you can even consider it your good deed for the day.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.