The rumour mill is swirling again as screenshots have appeared on 4Chan and Twitter of a supposedly new game from Valve, a 6v6 Hero Shooter called ‘Deadlock’. The screenshots show off various moments from the game including characters, UI elements and seemingly in-game match moments.
Seemingly this isn’t the first time this game has come up in the rumour scene either as previously it was apparently internally known as ‘Neon Prime’ but had a name change at some point (maybe due to the lack of neon…). At the moment however we don’t really have any more details and who knows if this is even real or not. Considering the quality of the screenshots I’m inclined to believe it, but as always I will hold back my judgements on this being a strange choice until I have some concrete proof from Valve. Still, I can smell the influence of Artifact on this title… and that’s not a good thing.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.