My plan currently is to play Sekiro as my next game, followed shortly by either the Elden Ring DLC or Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s nice to have a plan, however one of the things that causes a bit of trouble is the fact that I almost always wait for a big game to go on sale before I make a purchase, and this is no exception.
Only issue is, neither of these games currently have a deal on the usual website I buy games from and so I am playing the waiting game until something comes up. Maybe even a Steam sale would allow me to finally get the games I am looking for, but until then I look at the potential price counter and wait wistfully.
With that, I wanted to know, do you all have games that you are waiting to go on sale before you purchase? If so, which one is catching your eye? Let me know in the comment section. That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.