It’s been a funny year 2019, I think out of all the year’s that have gone by there have been a lot of games that simply passed me by out of a lack of interest in the modern release schedule. However I certainly have played and indeed reviewed a lot of games this year and so this post is to let you all know that on New Year’s Eve I shall discuss my favourite game that I have reviewed or mentioned this year. Keep in mind this doesn’t necessarily mean that the game actually came out this year but that I wrote a review about or at least briefly discussed it during 2019.
So, which will it be? Will it be the advanced strategy of Wargroove or perhaps the fantastic game that took me long enough to catch up with, the Witcher 3? Find out on Tuesday and let’s see if you are able to guess it correctly before I post it.
That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.