Down the Rabbit Hole

That is some nice artwork!

I wanted to give a quick shoutout to an amazing series that I just recently stumbled upon known as Down the Rabbit Hole. The series is produced by the youtube channel Fredrik Knudsen and centers around telling stories and history about events that have happened throughout real life and the internet.

His content tends to cover stories and people who are infamous online but he also sometimes covers groups of interest on the internet. Think of his content as like Internet Historian’s videos but with more of a focus on people rather than events. The videos are well produced, have a lot of detail and are very entertaining to watch. I will warn you however they are very long usually as a lot of information is covered but if you are interested in jumping down the suitably named rabbit hole that is this series then check out the channel in thelink below.

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

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