The Book of Madness

Inside this book is a world of pure imagination…

So this hasn’t really got anything to do with games but I wanted to talk about it at least, I am reading a new book! It’s called House of Leaves and if you know then… you know. It’s an odd book that I quite simply can’t put down and telling you about any of the contents of the book would actively spoil the point of it. All I can tell you is that it is partially about a story to do with a house and a family that moves into it, that’s all.

This is easily one of the most unique books I have ever read and I am looking forward to finishing it. I don’t get to read books very often so this is a nice change of pace, I just hope I can keep my sanity by the end of it…

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

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